Shumua Al-Amal for Special Education and Rehabilitation

Providing a distinguished level of diagnostic, evaluation, and education services, as well as rehabilitation and empowerment for people with mental disabilities, the elderly, and those with autism spectrum disorder.

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Disability test

One of the important things that should be done as soon as symptoms of disability appear in children is to consult a specialist doctor and obtain the correct diagnosis, which will speed up the improvement of the child’s behavioral and social condition.

Distance education platform

Thanks to the Shada platform, students with disabilities can access distance education easily and flexibly, and interact with educational content in ways appropriate to their individual needs. The platform aims to equalize educational opportunities for people with disabilities and enhance their academic and professional development.

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Our services
How do we help them
We strive to provide the best services

We specialize in special education and rehabilitation, and we are honored to serve your children with disabilities and their families. We strive to maintain the highest level of quality in providing the services that people with disabilities need in accordance with international standards.

Achieving the aspirations of families and interested parties in society and providing distinguished services in the field of special education, rehabilitation and empowerment of persons with disabilities in accordance with the latest international programs while taking into account local requirements.

Providing a distinguished level of diagnostic, evaluation, education, rehabilitation and empowerment services for people with mental disabilities for all ages, including severe and multiple cases, the elderly, and autism spectrum disorder, males and females, and providing family counseling and social services.

Maintaining the health, security and safety of persons with disabilities during the educational processes Care, rehabilitation, and activating the important and pivotal role of the family in caring for, educating, and rehabilitating children. People with disabilities Disability, as well as disseminating knowledge in society to understand the characteristics of people with disabilities and their needs. They are.


Beneficiary cases of autism


Beneficiary in the Kingdom




Treatment program

Your journey to develop your child's abilities starts here

We work to develop the capabilities of a child with disabilities by providing specialized support and guidance from qualified experts.

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We work under supervision

Ministries can ensure the quality and safety of services provided, and achieve equality and justice. Supervision also helps in promoting comprehensive development and achieving national goals in various fields

What did they say about us

Opinions of our customers

We would like to express our deep thanks and appreciation for the distinguished services you provide to our sons and daughters with special needs, with the aim of empowering them and developing their potential through

Today I visited the Shumua Alamal Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation in Dammam. They are progressing year after year. This large center provides education, upbringing and training services to our daughters and sons who

The only center where I heard that they hired a student from them after she graduated, the Shumua Alamal Center for Special Education and Rehabilitation, and the one who hired her had Down Syndrome, thank

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